In This Time of Covid-19

In this time of Covid-19, a female comedian sheltering-in-place in NYC admits that she has become infatuated and obsessed with Governor Cuomo, and eagerly awaits his daily news conferences.  A tv co-host shares her virtual social life these days, recounting cocktail parties, movie-watching parties, and virtual celebrations of key life events. My friends recount how much they are enjoying Facetime and Zoom with their grandchildren and other loved ones. Even my canceled SAGE exercise classes have been reborn on Zoom much to my delight. Although I could have done without the experience of being Zoom bombed.

For those who have not heard of the practice of Zoom bombing, it’s when uninvited people decide to crash your Zoom meeting and download pornographic and/or racist images and/or make sexual or racist comments. In the case of my Yoga class, we got hit with all of the above during our closing meditation! Before you give up on Zoom, there are things the host can do to prevent this from happening.  

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